Street Legal Golf Carts
Every day we get lots of questions about the requirements of street legal Golf Carts.
We just want you to be aware that every state and every county in that state has different requirements about what is considered to be street legal. In addition, many local governments change their requirements from time to time. It is very difficult for us to know all the laws for every state. Because we are located in South Carolina, we try to keep up with rules in our geographical location to help customers get exactly what is needed for their Golf Cart to be street legal.
Many states that have specific requirements for street legal golf carts include New Jersey, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and many more. Many states require headlights, taillights, brake lights, blinkers, seat belts, horn, windshield, side reflectors and reflective triangle.
If you are not sure what is required for your location, you can inquire at your local Department of Motor Vehicles as to what is required for your Golf Cart to be street legal. If you have any questions about prices or would like a quote on a custom golf cart that is street legal.
Please give us a call at (843) 650-2497 or send us an email.